Before you decide to apply to an educational institution, make sure you have your educational goals clearly defined.
How much time will you have to devote to furthering your education. If you currently have a job and other family obligations you will have to manage your time to work on your homework for example.
Prior to applying to a educational institution make sure you contact their veterans affairs office. This is a great resource to get answers to which of your GI Benefits you can use.
Your march to furthering your educations is going the be full challenges. This is why it will be important that you have a support system in place. This could be a mixture of family and friends.
When pursuing a degree for example. It is important that you put your route to getting their down on paper. Make sure it is:
Specific - What your ultimate goal is?
Measurable - How will you determine your success. What factors/metrics will you use?
Achievable - Is your plan just a dream or is it realistic?
Relevant - How is your plan aligning with your ultimate objective?
Time Bound - Make sure you set time completion goals within your plan?
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